Attorneys at Law

The firm has a reputation primarily in areas dealing with all employment related litigation. Presently, the firm serves as labor counsel/labor consultant to numerous county and local government entities. The firm has vast experience in having handled all forms of disciplinary matters, interest arbitrations, grievance arbitrations and unfair labor practice charge hearings.
Through the Hon. E. David Millard, J.S.C. (Retired) (Of Counsel), the services of alternate dispute resolution, arbitration, mediation and complex case management are available through the firm.
The Family Law Department provides professional counsel for contested and uncontested divorce, annulment, property settlement agreements, prenuptial agreements, support custody and parenting time, visitation disputes, domestic partnership issues and adoption proceedings. We also have a Certified Divorce Mediator.
Among the members of the firm we have the ability to properly represent clients in litigation matters including personal injury, automobile accidents and Landlord Tenant proceedings.
Our professionals bring together experience in real estate, wills and estates, litigation, corporate, employment and family law.

Senator James W. Holzapfel received his B.A. from Monmouth University (1966) and earned his J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law (1969). He was admitted to the Bar, 1969, New Jersey and United States District Court, admitted to the Bar, State of Florida and United States Supreme Court.
Served as the Ocean County Prosecutor, 1987-1992. He was an instructor at the college level for twelve years in criminal and constitution law. He has spoken at various law enforcement conferences, both national and international, on anti-drug education programs.
He has received numerous awards for his professional and community achievements.
In 1994, he was elected to the New Jersey State General Assembly representing the 10th Legislative District. He served as an Assistant Majority Whip (1998-2000), Chairman to the Joint Committee on Ethical Standards and Chairman to the Governor's Study Commission on Parole (1995-1996). He was a member of the Regulated Professions Committee and the Law and Public Safety Committee, wherein has served as Chairman. He served as the Assembly Deputy Republican Leader (2002-2003) and as the Parliamentarian to the New Jersey State Assembly. In November 2011, he was elected to the New Jersey Senate wherein he serves on the Transporatation Committee and Law and Public Safety Committee.
In additional to his senatorial duties, Mr. Holzapfel specializes in labor and employment law.
Steven A. Zabarsky received his B.S. from George Washington University (1981) and earned his J.D. from Western New England School of Law (1984). He was admitted to the Bar in 1985, New Jersey and United States District Court , District of New Jersey.
He serves as a panelist for the Ocean County Early Settlement Program mediating numerous cases (1985-present). He is a member of the Family Law Section of the New Jersey Bar Association (1985-present) and Ocean County Bar Association Family Law Committee (1998-present). He is the recipient of the Certificate of Appreciation from the Supreme Court of New Jersey for contribution to the ESP Program (1989-1990).
Mr. Zabarsky is a member of the Ocean County and New Jersey State Bar Associations; Kimball Medical Center Foundation Board of Trustee and a board member to the Jewish Federation of Ocean County.
Mr. Zabarsky serves as Municipal Prosecutor to over nineteen municipalities within Ocean and Monmouth Counties. He also serves as Borough Attorney to Seaside Park; Attorney to the Borough of Bay Head Planning Board; Attorney to the Ocean County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund (1997-present); and Attorney for the Lakehurst Borough Board of Education. He serves as an adjunct instructor at Ocean County College.
He represents clients in divorce, custody, visitation and adoption proceedings in both the Trial and Appellate courts. He is a certified Divorce Mediator.
Hon. E. David Millard, J.S.C. (Retired) (Of Counsel), received his B.A. from Allegheny College (1976) and earned his J.D. from Vermont Law School (1979). He was admitted to the Bar in 1980, New Jersey and United States District Court, District of New Jersey.
He is retired from the Superior Court where he served as Presiding Judge of the Civil Division of Ocean County and Presiding Judge of Family Division of Ocean County. He served as the Ocean County Prosecutor (1997-2002) and practiced law concentrating in general litigation for seventeen years before his public service.
Judge Millard served on the Supreme Court Family Practice Committee 2002-2004, 2004-2006, and 2006-2008 terms. He was a CJOP Judicial Education Instructor; Judicial College 2004-2011 "Recent Developments in Family Law"; New Judges Orientation Seminar (2005-2011) "Domestic Violence". Authored re-write of CJOP Instruction Manual on Domestic Violence. Served on the Supreme Court Criminal Practice Committee (2000-2002 term). Served as Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer to the New Jersey County Prosecutors Association (1999-2002); Chairman of the Prosecutors Legislative Review Committee. Served on the State Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Committee (1995-2001); Member of the Governor's Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice (1994). He has received various awards for his achievements.
He provides dispute resolution assistance including mediation and arbitration to attorneys and individual parties who are involved in litigation or where litigation is pending. He is a R 1:40 qualified mediator on the State of New Jersey roster of court approved mediators for both civil, general equity and probate cases as well as economic aspects of family law cases.
Barry A. Stieber
Barry A. Stieber received his B.A. from Rutgers University (2007) and earned his J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law (2010). He was admitted to the New Jersey Bar in 2010 and New York Bar in 2014.
He specializes in labor and employment law; municipal prosecution; municipal law; commercial and residential real estate; general practice matters including incapacitation applications, personal injury actions and civil litigation.
Robert Adams
Robert Adams received his B.A. from Temple University (2019) and earned his J.D. from Delaware Law School (2023). He was admitted to the New Jersey Bar in 2023.
He specializes in municipal prosecution; municipal law; general practice matters including incapacitation applications, personal injury actions and civil litigation.